Venedig. Vorher. Und nachher. (2)

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Acqua Alta. Created by man.

It’s the ultimate nightmare. 30 years in Venice and I have never before seen an acqua alta of this sort. At 11:30 PM it reached its maximum level: 1.87 meters, just below the record peak reached during the catastrophic “Acqua granda” of 1966, as can be seen in this photo: The Mayor says the cause… Acqua Alta. Created by man. weiterlesen

If I would be the mayor of Venice

Ein ganz normaler Sommertag in Venedig

The tourist is a person with a hidden resentment.  He kills.  He doesn’t notice the Venetians with whom he gets in contact, he doesn’t see them. Or: He doesn’t establish a relation with a Venetian except, perhaps, when he sees that a beggar has the profile of some doge. It was Jean-Paul Sartre to write… If I would be the mayor of Venice weiterlesen